
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4


Lupins, Wind erosion, Grazing, Diaporthe woodii


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Plant Pathology | Sheep and Goat Science

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During lupin harvesting, up to 20 per cent of the grain remains on the ground. This non-harvested or pilt grain is a valuable feed for sheep during early summer because the pods, leaf and stem generally provide little nutrient in the stubnbles. In addition, the more efficient the weed control, the less valuable are the stubbles.

The disease lupinosis caused by Phomopsis leptostromiformis restricts the amount of grazing from the lupin stubbles, and hence the risk of wind-erosion of stubble paddocks.

However, the introduction of lupin varieties moderately resistant to Phomopsis and with reduced potential to cause lupinosis means that stubbles could be grazed for longer than with present varieties.

Farmers must be aware of the wind erosion hazard that could develop from over grazing these stubbles. There s a need for improved efficiencies in harvesting lupins which will lessen the frazing potential of the stubbles and a simple method to assess the grazing potential of Phomopsis-resistant lupin stubbles.
