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Soils of approximately 80,000 hectares in the West Gingin area, 100 km north of Perth, were surveyed from 1987 to 1989. The area lies on the Swan Coastal Plain within the Gingin Shire. The soils were mapped by the free survey method at a scale of 1:50,000. Thirty-five major soil associations and complexes were identified. These soils have been formed from various parent materials in a a range of depositional environments. Siliceous sand and sodic soils formed in alluvial-lacustrine sediments predominate. The main soils were sampled for chemical and physical analysis and their morphological, chemical and physical properties are discussed in relation to land use. Results indicate that 30% of the unalienated lands have a high to moderate capability for general irrigated horticulture. The major soils involved are the weakly leached siliceous sands represented by Karakatta, Spearwood, Cowalla and Battordal Soil Series.


Soil surveys, Soil types, Soil properties, Profiles, Vegetation, Land use, Land capability, Irrigated farming, Horticulture, Western Australia, Gingin region (WA)


Agriculture | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science


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west Gingin soil map 1 of 2.pdf (861 kB)
West Gingin Soil map 1

west Gingin soil map 2 of 2.pdf (810 kB)
West Gingin Soil map 2

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