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This report presents land resource mapping and land capability assessments for rural residential and associated agricultural activities at a scale of 1:50,000 over 100,000 ha of rural land in Perth's eastern metropolitan hills area. The study area is bounded to the west by the Great Northern, Albany, Roe and South Western highways, and extends north, east and south to the boundary of the Perth metropolitan area. Using the broad framework of landform-soil associations defined by Churchward and McArthur (1980), discrete mapping units have been delineated by reference to landform and soil characteristics likely to affect future land uses. They provide a framework for land capability assessment in terms of the Western Australian Department of Agriculture's five class system. Land capability assessments for specific land uses, and values for individual land qualities and characteristics, are presented for each map unit in a tabular format. This information forms the data base for the digital mapping on the Western Australian Land Information System (WALIS) Intervax 8650 computer. Because of limitations imposed by the mapping scale, the capability assessment results presented should be used primarily for regional land use planning purposes. For more detailed site specific application, on-site inspections may be required to determine whether the land use limitations indicated do occur and are of the magnitude described by the capability ratings.


Land use, Land capability for agriculture, Darling Range (WA)


Agriculture | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science


Maps are not included as part of the complete document download. If this report contains a map, it will be available in the individual parts list below.

Darling_Range_Map1of3.pdf (407 kB)
Land Resources of rural areas of the Darling range Sheet 1

Darling_Range_Map2of3.pdf (968 kB)
Land Resources of rural areas of the Darling range Sheet 2

Darling_Range_Map3of3.pdf (261 kB)
Land Resources of rural areas of the Darling range Sheet 3

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