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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Western Australian grain production and industry value has quadrupled over the past 30 years, despite declining winter rainfall, more frost and high temperature events, acidifying soils and increasing input costs. Strong evidence links this productivity growth to R&D that has delivered genetically superior varieties, better agronomic practices and more reliable farming systems. Western Australian grain growers are innovators that rapidly adopt new technology which is increasingly sourced from a wider pool of national and global science, research and innovation. Continuing to push the productivity frontier is not only critical to grower’s profitability, it underpins the international competitiveness of our exports and value-adding opportunities for the Western Australian economy. DAFWA’s Grains R&D team aims to access and evaluate the most relevant new products and technologies under Western Australian grain growing conditions and to integrate the findings to support the rapid and appropriate adoption by Western Australian grain growing businesses.

Number of Pages



Western Australia, Grains, Research.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences

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