Publication Date


Series Number


Number of Pages



Saltbush grazing systems, groundwater, run-off, Groundwater electrical conductivity


Agriculture | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science | Water Resource Management


Includes maps of Groundwater EC, TDS and NaCl.

Acknowledgments This study could not have proceeded without the interest, advice and help from Chris, Michael and Dianne Walton on whose property (Condering Hills) the work was undertaken. The SGSL project (funded by Australian Wool Innovation, Land and Water Australia [Land, Water and Wool project] and the Future Farm Industries CRC) funded the design, planting, instrumentation and monitoring of the study site from 2002 to 2007. From 2007 to 2011, the Future Farm Industries provided funding for continued monitoring. The Department of Agriculture and Food and the CSIRO provided research, technical and analytical services in addition to the provision of capital costs during the nine years of the project. The authors wish to acknowledge the advice and help given in the collection of run-off and groundwater data over the nine years of the study by Patricia Lambert, Gerald Watson, Wayne Hick and Natalie Smart (CSIRO) and Hamish Downs and Colin Fairclough (DAFWA).

Thanks to John Paul Collins and Grant Stainer for their technical review and provision of valuable comments and suggestions. Thanks also to Janet Blagg for her final edit.

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