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The purpose of this project was to identify agricultural land use options and opportunities within the Serpentine–Jarrahdale and Murray Shires, with particular focus on the Palusplain wetland section. The report will contribute to the Department of Planning’s natural resource management plan for the region and guide development of regional and local planning strategies. Historically, the Palusplain was a slowly moving, interconnected, seasonal wetland system with areas of higher ground. Extensive clearing and drainage occurred in the late 1800s through to the mid-1900s to facilitate agriculture; however, agriculture has been found to be a major contributor of nutrients to the system. The area is now under pressure from urban and rural lifestyle development. This report provides a spatial element to assist in identifying areas deemed suitable for continued agriculture

Number of Pages



Palusplain, land use, small holdings, agriculture


Agriculture | Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment | Environmental Monitoring | Fresh Water Studies | Growth and Development | Hydrology | Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science | Urban Studies and Planning | Water Resource Management

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