Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Agriculture Western Australia
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Wild radish, cropping systems, integrated weed management, herbicide resistance, annual ryegrass, demonstration, brown manured, cadiz, wheat, canola, lupins, crop top, pasture, serradella, screening, rotation, seed dormancy biology, seed bank, barley grass, Ryegrass Integrated Management (RIM), workshops, multi-species model, transgenic crop, extension, adoption, tramlines, wheeled, inter-row knockdown, legume crops, cross seeding, non-chemical, chaff, Fop and Dim, wild oat, Monza®, triazines, diflufenican, testing, phenoxy, tolerance, zadok’s growth scale, MCPA, 2, 4-D ester, 2, 4-D amine, double ridge, durum wheat, pea varieties, Cooke field peas, soils, herbage, lucerne establishment, capeweed, application time, diuron, yield response, Canola, peaola, balance®, chickpea, wild radish, simazine, Marshmallow, Affinity DF, ‘protox’ inhibitors, Hammer EC, Spray.Seed®, glyphosate, pendimethalin, barley yellow dwarf virus, aphids, over-summering, grass species, e-weed
Agribusiness | Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Other Plant Sciences | Plant Breeding and Genetics | Plant Pathology | Weed Science
This session covers forty six papers from different authors:
1. INTRODUCTION, Vanessa Stewart, Agriculture Western Australia
2. Wild radish – the implications for our rotations, David Bowran, Centre for Cropping Systems
IWM system studies/demonstration sites
3. Integrated weed management: Cadoux, Alexandra Wallace, Agriculture Western Australia
4. A system approach to managing resistant ryegrass, Bill Roy, Agricultural Consulting and Research Services Pty Ltd, York
5. Long term herbicide resistance demonstration, Peter Newman, Agriculture Western Australia, Cameron Weeks, Tony Blake and Dave Nicholson
6. Integrated weed management: Katanning, Alexandra Wallace, Agriculture Western Australia
7. Integrated weed management: Merredin, Vanessa Stewart, Agriculture Western Australia
8. Short term pasture phases for weed control, Clinton Revell and Candy Hudson, Agriculture Western Australia
Weed biology – implications for IWM
9. Competitivness of wild radish in a wheat-lupin rotation , Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins, and Terry Piper, Agriculture Western Australia
10. Population explosion and persistence of wild radish in a wheat-lupin rotation, Abul Hashem, Nerys Wilkins, Aik Cheam and Terry Piper , Agriculture Western Australia
11. Variation is seed dormancy and management of annual ryegrass, Amanda Ellery and Ross Chapman, CSIRO
12. Can we eradicate barley grass, Sally Peltzer, Agriculture Western Australia
Adoption and modelling
13. Where to with RIM? Vanessa Stewart1 and Robert Barrett-Lennard2, 1Agriculture Western Australia, 2Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (WAHRI)
14. Multi-species RIM model, Marta Monjardino1,2, David Pannell2 and Stephen Powles1 1Western Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (WAHRI), 2ARE, University of Western Australia
15. What causes WA grain growers to adopt IWM practices? Rick Llewellyn, WAHRI/ARE, Faculty of Agriculture, University of WA
New options for IWM?
16. Fuzzy tramlines for more yield and less weeds, Paul Blackwell Agriculture Western Australia, and Maurice Black, Harbour Lights Estate, Geraldton
17. Inter-row knockdowns for profitable lupins, Paul Blackwell, Agriculture Western Australia and Miles Obst, Farmer Mingenew
18. Row cropping and weed control in lupins, Mike Collins and Julie Roche, Agriculture Western Australia
19. Cross seedimg suppresses annual ryegrass and increases wheat yield, Abul Hashem, Dave Nicholson and Nerys Wilkins Agriculture Western Australia
20. Weed control by chaff burial, Mike Collins, Agriculture Western Australia
21. Resistance in wild oats to Fop and Dim herbicides in Western Australia, Abul Hashem and Harmohinder Dhammu, Agriculture Western Australia
22. Triazine and diflufenican resistance in wild radish: what it means to the lupin industry, Aik Cheam, Siew Lee, David Nicholson and Peter Newman, Agriculture Western Australia
23. Comparison if in situ v seed testing for determining herbicide resistance, Bill Roy, Agricultural Consulting and Research Services Pty Ltd, York
24. Phenoxy herbicide tolerance of wheat, Peter Newman and Dave Nicholson, Agriculture Western Australia
25. Tolerance of wheat to phenoxy herbicides, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper and Mario F. D'Antuono, Agriculture Western Australia
26. Herbicide tolerance of new wheats, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper and David F. Nicholson, Agriculture Western Australia
27. Herbicide tolerance of durum wheats, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper and David F. Nicholson, Agriculture Western Australia
28. Herbicide tolerance of new field pea varieties, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper, David F. Nicholson, and Mario F. D'Antuono, Agriculture Western Australia
29. Herbicide tolerance of Cooke field peas on marginal soil, Harmohinder S. Dhammu, Terry Piper, David F. Nicholson, and Mario F. D'Antuono, Agriculture Western Australia
30. Herbicide tolerance of some annual pasture legumes adapted to coarse textured sandy soils, Clinton Revell and Ian Rose, Agriculture Western Australia
31 Herbicide tolerance of some annual pasture legumes adapted to fine textured clay soils, Clinton Revell and Ian Rose, Agriculture Western Australia
32. Management of weeds for Lucerne establishment, Diana Fedorenko, Clayton Butterly, Stuart McAlpine, Terry Piper and David Bowran, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia
33. Management of weeds in the second year of Lucerne, Diana Fedorenko, Clayton Butterly, Stuart McAlpine, Terry Piper and David Bowran, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia
34. Residual effects of weed management in the third year of Lucerne, Diana Fedorenko, Clayton Butterly, Stuart McAlpine, Terry Piper and David Bowran, Centre for Cropping Systems, Agriculture Western Australia
35. Herbicide tolerance and weed control in Lucerne, Peter Newman, Dave Nicholson and Keith Devenish Agriculture Western Australia
New products or product use
36. New herbicide options for canola, John Moore and Paul Matson, Agriculture Western Australia
37. Chemical broadleaf weed management in Peaola, Shannon Barraclough and Lionel Martin, Muresk Institute of Agriculture, Curtin University of Technology
38. Balance® - a new broad leaf herbicide for the chickpea industry, Mike Clarke, Jonas Hodgson and Lawrence Price, Aventis CropScience
39. Marshmallow – robust herbicide strategies, Craig Brown, IAMA Agribusiness
40. Affinity DF – a prospective option for selective in-crop marshmallow control, Gordon Cumming, Technical Officer, Crop Care Australasia
41. A new formulation of Carfentrazone-ethyl for pre-seeding knockdown control of broadleaved weeds including Marshmallow, Gordon Cumming, Technical Officer, Crop Care Australasia
Herbicide use
42. Autumn applied trifluralin can be effective! Bill Crabtree, Scientific Officer, Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers Association
43. Which knockdown herbicide for small ryegrass? Peter Newman and Dave Nicholson, Agriculture Western Australia
44. Poor radish control with Group D herbicides in lupins, Peter Newman and Dave Nicholson, Agriculture Western Australia
45. Distribution and incidence of aphids and barley yellow dwarf virus in over-summering grasses in the WA wheatbelt, Jenny Hawkes and Roger Jones, CLIMA and Agriculture Western Australia
46. e-weed, Vanessa Stewart, Agriculture Western Australia
Recommended Citation
Stewart, V,
Bowran, D,
Wallace, A,
Roy, B,
Newman, P,
Weeks, C,
Blake, T,
Nicholson, D,
Revell, C,
Hudson, C,
Hashem, A,
Wilkins, N,
Piper, T,
Cheam, A,
Ellery, A,
Chapman, R,
Peltzert, S,
Barrett-Lennard, R,
Monjardino, M,
Pannell, D,
Powles, S,
Llewellyn, R,
Blackwell, P,
Black, M,
Obst, M,
Collins, M,
Roche, J,
Dhammu, H S,
Lee, S,
D'Antuono, M,
Rose, I,
Fedorenko, D,
Butterly, C,
McAlpine, S,
Devenish, K,
Moore, J,
Matson, P,
Barraclough, S,
Martin, L,
Clarke, M,
Hodgson, J,
Price, L,
Brown, C,
Cumming, G,
Crabtree, B,
Hawkes, J,
Jones, R.
(2001), Crop Updates 2001 - Weeds. Agriculture Western Australia, Perth. Conference Proceeding.
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