
P. Millington

Publication Date


Series Number

No. 1


Fisheries Department Perth Western Australia.




The southern Western Australian Shark Working Group was formed to investigate the southern shark fishery and advise the Minister for Fisheries on options for future management. Membership comprised six fishermen from regional professional fishermen's associations and two Fisheries Department officers. The Working Group considered that each shark fisherman obtaining an entitlement should then be restricted in the length of fishing gear he can use and the number of months he can fish. The individual's time and gear entitlement would be approximately that length of gear being used and time spent fishing in a period shortly before the bench mark date. To give more flexibility a fisherman should be allowed to nominated, at short notice, the particular month(s) be wishes to fish. These entitlements should be fully transferable. To ensure the minimum disruption to their activities supplementary access has also been proposed for fishermen who occasionally fish for shark.

Number of Pages



Fishery management, Shark fisheries, Gear restrictions, Eligibility for entry.


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Natural Resources and Conservation | Population Biology


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