Publication Date


Series Number

Fisheries Management Paper No. 270


Western Australian Department of Fisheries


The purpose of this paper is to set the context for the Review of South Coast Commercial Fish Trap, G-net and Open-Access Line and Net Scalefish Fisheries and Squid Jig Fishery (Review). This includes providing an overview of these fisheries, summarising the issues relevant to these fisheries and providing the Department of Fisheries’ (Department) proposed direction for the future management of these fisheries on the South Coast for discussion and consultation. This paper was designed and prepared by the Department to encourage public involvement in the development of formal management proposals that will form the basis for the development of formal management arrangements for these fisheries under the Review.

Number of Pages



South Coast Bioregion - Fisheries - Western Australia; Fishery management; Demersal fisheries; Line fishing; Trap fishing. ; Net fishing; Cephalopod fisheries; Jigging ; Australian herring; Arripis georgianus; Fishery statistics; Catch statistics; Fishery regulations; Community participation; South Coast region - Western Australia


Aquaculture and Fisheries


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