Publication Date


Series Number

No. 46


Fisheries Department Western Australia




The Committee recommended: For the next five seasons the principal tools of management for the rock lobster fishery should be temporary and variable reductions in pot usage, without affecting the permanent pot entitlement of any operator. The number of pots a fisherman can use at any particular time within a season will be set in accordance with a schedule showing the total permanent pot authorisation and the number of pots permitted to be used. Maximum size controls. These sizes would be 120 mm for females and 130 mm for males north of Moore River and about 125 mm for females and 155 mm for males south of Moore River. Minister to impose temporary freeze on the acquisition of additional pots for any licences with permanent pot entitlements about 130 pots and prevent those with permanent pot entitlement of 130 pots or less acquiring more than 130 pots. Assessment of the compliance requirements and costs of maximum gauge sizes, with a view to introducing the measure in the 1993/94 season.

Number of Pages



Fishery management, Fishery policy, Fishery regulations, Lobster fisheries


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Population Biology


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