Publication Date


Series Number

No. 74




As a result of community concern regarding trawling, the current management rules for the South West Trawl Limited Entry Fishery were finalised in February 1989 and the final plan was gazetted in October of that year. However, there was public disquiet about this trawling, and as a result of this disquiet, a research program was initiated by the Fisheries Department with funding received from both the Commonwealth and State Governments. The scientific report, "The impact of trawling for saucer scallops and western king prawns on the benthic communities in coastal waters off south-western Australia" by L J B Laurenson, P Unsworth, J W Penn and R C J Lenanton was released in July 1993. Public research seminars were held in July 1993 to discuss the report, and public submissions were called on the document. Sixteen submissions on Report 100 were received by the Fisheries Department and these were considered by a Working Group appointed by the Minister for Fisheries. The group was formed to produce draft recommendations on the future management of the South West Trawl Limited Entry Fishery, taking into account research issues, legal advice and resource sharing issues.

Number of Pages



Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biology | Environmental Policy | Genetics | Marine Biology | Population Biology


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