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Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development






The Houtman Abrolhos Islands (Abrolhos) is an archipelago of up to 210 small islands and associated reefs located approximately 65-90 km offshore from Geraldton, Western Australia (WA). The islands and waters of the Abrolhos are of significance for both land-based and marine based values. The marine state territorial waters of the Abrolhos are managed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) as the Houtman Abrolhos Islands Fish Habitat Protection Area (Abrolhos FHPA). This report aims to provide a summary of the DPIRD data on aquatic resource use (e.g., aquaculture, commercial, recreational and charter fishing) and ecological attributes specific to the Abrolhos FHPA. Summary data provided here aims to assist with informing the development of the Abrolhos FHPA Draft Management Plan (2022) and further guide the development of future science and monitoring plans. This report is divided into three main sections, commercial use, recreational use and ecological attributes. The commercial use section provides an overview of nine commercial fisheries as well as the fishing tour operator and aquaculture industries, specifically their relationship to the Abrolhos FHPA. The recreational visitation section provides an overview of recreational usage data available to DPIRD for visitation to the Abrolhos FHPA. The ecological attributes section summarises fishery independent DPIRD collected or collated data to assist with informing overall ecosystem health and ecological functions of the Abrolhos FHPA. Where appropriate, recommendations are provided for further integration of science and management between the commercial and recreational activities, ecological attributes, and the Abrolhos FHPA.

Number of Pages



Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Abrolhos FHPA, marine ecosystem monitoring, ecosystem based fisheries management, high latitudinal coral reef, fisheries research, environmental monitoring, coral reef


Aquaculture and Fisheries | Biodiversity | Marine Biology

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