
Journal of the Department of Agriculture, Western Australia, Series 4


Diaporthe woodii, Phomopsis leptostromiformis, Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Plant Pathology | Sheep and Goat Science

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Early reports of lupinosis in Western Australia implicated infected stems and leaves of the sandplain or W,A. blue lupin (Lupinus cosentinii) as the main source of toxicity.

After the introduction of low alkaloid varieties of L. augustifolius, lupinosis continued to oddur on stubbles but random testing of seeds showed only low levels of Phomopsis leptostromiformis infection.

However in 1976, scientists at the University of Western Australia who were evaluating the use of an all lupin seed ration for drought feeding sheep encounted lupinosis in one of their trials.Seven per cent of the seed used was found to be infected by Phomopsis, just over twice the highest figure previously reported in this State. As a result, the Department of Agriculture decided to investigate the extent of Phomopsis infwection of lupin seed.

A six-year state-wide survey found that Phomopsis infection of seed was increasing and that the incidence was greater in the high rainfall zones. All commercial varieties tested were equally susceptible to infection when grown in high, medium and low rainfall zones.
