Publication Date
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
DPIRD Collections
Grains and field crops
Department of Agriculture
Succession planning for farm businesses is becoming of increasing interest and importance. The increased pressure from competitive world markets and more marginal fanning profits is necessitating better planning for many farm families who wish to provide a sustainable family farming unit. Today's seminar has been arranged to inform farmers of the related issues and importance of careful estate planning. As The Department of Agriculture does not have specialised resources in the relevant areas, it is imperative that experienced individuals from the private sector are utilised to provide this information. These proceedings have been written by such individuals and are intended to provide a broad overview of farm estate planning. The time and effort of the authors is greatly appreciated.
Number of Pages
Farm management, Western Australia, Succession, Conferences, Farm planning, Estate planning.
Agribusiness | Estates and Trusts
Recommended Citation
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia,
Ross, A.
(1994), Handing over the family farm : proceedings of a Succession Planning Seminar Wednesday 2 March 1994 Dymesbury Lodge, King River.. Department of Agriculture, Perth. Conference Proceeding.
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