Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Department of Agriculture




Welcome to the Wokalup Research Station Reunion.

The hint of having a Reunion was first mentioned two years ago and then again 12 months ago but as everyone knows, time flies past so quickly. With Wokalup about to have a change in direction and become part of the Education Department it was felt that it was a most appropriate time to have the long awaited Reunion whilst Wokalup Research Station was still part of Agriculture Western Australia or it just wouldn’t happen.

We had to rely on peoples’ memories to collate an invitation list so if anyone was overlooked please accept this apology as it was not intentional. A big “Thank you” to Ron McTaggart, Ken Angell and Norm Barrett for compiling a list for the 1960 era and many thanks to the people who were able to obtain current addresses!

This book has been compiled from memories of many staff members who have passed through Wokalup (whether it was for 1 year or 27) who replied to the Staff Reunion invitation . It is ashame that we don’t have memories from all staff members but every attempt was made. I am sure that there will be many, many more fond memories told throughout the evening tonight!

Wokalup acknowledges that it could not have survived without the input from Research, Professional and Technical staff from other offices within the Department (or Agency as it is known today) and it has been a pleasure to have worked with you all.

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Experimental stations, Western Australia, Agricultural research, History, Research institutes, Wokalup Research Station.


Social History

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