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Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Department of Agriculture Western Australia




Section 1: History, Trends and Scenarios

New industry development is not an option but an imperative: Stewart Key.

Outlined challenges for the Australian agriculture sector. Presented options for enhancing the agriculture sector by looking to other industries’ characteristics and trends.

Overseas perspective of why new industry development is not an option but an imperative: John Jones.

Reviewed trends and scenarios for agricultural development worldwide, discussed the challenges for Australia, international perceptions of Australia and the opportunities for new agricultural industries.

Futures for new industries: Mike Stephens. Presented a personal view ofthe future for the Australian agriculture sector.

Scenario plan for new industries: Professor Jo Barker. Outlined four options for new rural industries in Australia. Discussed scenario planning methodology and how the information gathered can be incorporated in planning for the future for new rural industries in Australia.

New generations and new industries for rural revitalisation: Muresk, Orange and Gatton Colleges.

Presented the next generation’s perspective of new rural industry development and discussed their opportunities to add value to new industry development.

Section 2: Current Approaches to New Rural Industry Development

Debate: The best avenue for new industry development is driven by market pull as opposed to being driven by innovation

Members of the Western Australia rural leadership program conducted an informative and entertaining debate on whether new rural industry development is driven by innovation or market pull.

Overseas new industry development: Study tour report: Dr.Meg Howe

Findings from the ‘New Industries Fellowship’ study tour to New Zealand were outlined.

Cocoa case study: Nick Richards

Presented an overview of activities recently commenced with cocoa across the top end of Australia and how State government agencies and industry is working together to explore the possibilities presented.

Aquaculture case study: Jasper Trendall

Outlined the development of aquaculture in Western Australia . Presented the long term challenges for the industry and discussed likely future scenarios for development.

Allocating resources: Rob Fletcher

Presented a methodology for allocating resources to new industries development, particularly in regard to selection processes and support structures.

Strategic intervention case study: Ray Collins

Provided a case study on industry development from the Persimmon industry. Outlined the approach in shifting the from a low value domestic industry to a high value, quality assured export industry.

Section 3: Lessons from Agriculture and Beyond

Developing innovation: Hetta Mollema

Described how 3M maintains a corporate philosophy and culture of innovation through which they have established market leadership in new product development.

Critical success factors and strategic issues in new agricultural enterprise: David McKinna

Identified and discussed the critical success factors and strategic issues which affect the performance of new agricultural enterprises.

Rural development on the Atherton Tablelands; Change, Choices and Challenges: Terry Cambell

Described the activities occurring in the Atherton Tablelands and the support process used to move from a region heavily dependent on tobacco to other industries.

Riverlink: Leading horticulture industry development in the Sunraysia-Riverland: Denise Millar

Outlined a joint project between multiple levels of government and the community, performing a major role in the horticultural development ofthe Sunraysia-Riverland region.

Section 4: New ways forward

Australia’s expert view on how to accelerate New Industry Development - Delphi report: Gibson Associates

Presented an expert and contemporary view on the best processes to accelerate new industry development in Australia.

Issues workshops: Agriculture Western Australia’s Extension Services Group

The workshops provided participants with the opportunity to build on issues raised during the conference to develop future directions for new industry development in Australia.

Hypothetical; New Industries Realities: Mike Stephens

Advanced ideas raised during the conference to expose the realities of new industry development and test and highlight how effectively Australia currently supports new industry development.

Section 5: Recommendations, actions and alliances

Summit: Future Directions

This workshop was developed to draw from a nationally representative group of 35 new industry proponents to determine actions and directions to accelerate the development of new agricultural industries in Australia.

Number of Pages



Western Australia, Conferences


Other Communication

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