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Investigations were carried out to determine the interaction between the lakes and groundwater systems, the influence of bedrock structures on groundwater flow, and the regional flow characteristics in the basin. The hydrological investigations showed that water does flow from lakes to the groundwater system. However, the benefits from draining land have to be compared with the benefits of not adding water to the lakes. A basin water balance showed that most of the excess water resulting from reduced epotranspiration since clearing remains in the basin as increased groundwater storage. Only relatively small quantities of the extra water leave the basin as groundwater outflow. Saltbush (Atriplex spp.) adaptation, grazing and establishment trials show species on appropriate land management units were successful in promoting the potential of perennial pasture species and saltland forage.

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South west region (WA), Land management, Reclamation, Groundwater, Soil management, Atriplex, North Stirling Basin (WA), Western Australia, Soil conservation


Natural Resources Management and Policy | Soil Science


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