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Land use in the West Kimberley near Broome, Western Australia, is dominated by cattle grazing on pastoral stations, dispersed mining activity and tourism. Irrigated agriculture has developed but is at a small scale. There is interest from pastoralists and horticultural companies to expand irrigated agriculture, and pastoral diversification and mosaic irrigation systems have been proposed. However, if irrigated agriculture is to expand, it must be viable and meet community and regulatory requirements. Developing secure and sustainable water resources is critical

This review is focussed on the La Grange groundwater subareas (La Grange area). Its purpose is to summarise the existing hydrogeological data and contribute to establishing a baseline hydrologic condition of the aquifer. This, and proposed studies, will be used to determine the impacts of any future investment into irrigated agriculture.

Number of Pages



Broome, aquifer, La Grange, groundwater, irrigated agrculture

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