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Dryland secondary salinisation has debilitated large areas of land in Western Australia due to clearing of native vegetation for agricultural development. The initial aim of the project (which is the subject of Part I of this report) was to establish a landscape framework for hydrogeological examination of the salinity problem. A catchment of 139 km2, located 30 km east of Perenjori townsite was selected for detailed study. It was mapped for soils, vegetation, topography, landform and salinity using both old and recent aerial photography. A field survey of soil hydraulic conductivity was undertaken to help define recharge areas. Soil-vegetation associations were related to geomorphology to develop five land units. The constant head permeameter gave some indication of relative rates of recharge between the land units and deep acid sandplain soils were seen to have a relatively high groundwater recharge potential. Soil salinity has shown significant spread in recent years and 2.4 per cent of the area of the catchment was severely affected in 1986.

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Perenjori region (WA), Watersheds, Water, Salinity, Seepage, Western Australia


Soil Science | Water Resource Management


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