
N. R. McKeown

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


1. From September 1971 to late August 1974 there was a mean reduction of legume content in the medic pastures from 40 per cent to 22.0 per cent but the reduction at 7.4 sh/ha was to 31 per cent. The drop in woolly clover content on the volunteer pastures was closely similar. 2. In 1972, at 7.4 sheep/ha a difference in body weight of 7-9 kg rapidly developed in favour of sheep grazing barrel medic compared with sheep on volunteer pasture. This difference was maintained consistently throughout the trial. At lower stocking rates the differences were smaller and less consistent. 3. Differences in wool production between pastures and between 'superphosphate' and 'no superphosphate' were small and not significant. 4. In 1975 no advantage in wheat yields was shown from growing the crop after barrel medic compared with volunteer woolly clover and barley grass pasture. Slightly increased production from the use of 100 kg/ha of superphosphate was not profitable. 5. On the results from this experiment no firm recommendation could be made to replace similar volunteer pasture with Cyprus barrel medic. Furthermore at this site it may be several years before the responses from superphosphate justify its use at the same rate and price. It is hoped to continue this experiment using the same treatments but cropping to wheat in alternate years. 68MO23, 68TS12, 69LG24, 70ME2, 71LG17, 71WH13.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
