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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


1. Inoculation. 1.1 Lupin inoculation. 1.2 Pea inoculation. 1.3 Clover inoculation. 2 Clover scorch screening. 3. Appendix 3.1 Glasshouse effectiveness. 3.2 Nodulation of Pastures - Denmark Research Station. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 1. The effect of superphosphate on the nodulation of Unicrop lupins drilled with the fertilizer - Wandering. 2. The effect of superphosphate on the nodulation of Unicrop lupins drilled with the fertilizer - Lancelin. 3. The effect of manganese superphosphate on the nodulation of/ Unicrop lupins drilled with the fertilizer - Lancelin. 4. The effect of superphosphate on the nodulation of Unicrop lupins drilled with the fertilizer - Wongan Hills. 5. The effect of depth of sowing on the nodulation of innoculated lupins - Wongan Hills 6. The effect of manganese superphosphate on the nodulation of Unicrop lupins drilled with the fertilizer - Mount Many Peaks. 7. The effect of inoculation and fungicide treatment of seed on nodulation and growth of freezer peas - Boxwood Hills 8. The response of subterranean clover to inoculation on new land - Denmark. 9. The response of subterranean clover to inoculation on an old annual pasture - with little or low proportion of subterranean clover - Dardanup. 10. The response of early maturing subterranean to inoculation - Lake King. 11. Clover varietal screening for tolerance to clover scorch - Denmark. Trials - 76AL1, 76BY2, 76D5, 76JE30, 76LG1, 76MO5, 76MO6, 76NA1, 76WH4, 76WH5.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
