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Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Long Term Trials Stocking and superphosphate trials - 66M30, 68BR7. Maintenance Phosphorus x Sulphur trials - 65A1, 65N5, 65C5, 69WH15, 68B1, 69AL3 and 67N05. Low Rainfall Crops and Pastures. Residual phosphorus trials - 76ES8, 75KA4, 75LG26 and 76NA5. Miscellaneous Cropping Trials. Rate of phosphorus on wheat - 77ES2, 77ME5, 77N03. N. P and seed rates on wheat - 77JE1. Row spacing, phosphorus and seed rate on wheat - 77ME6. Phosphorus on nitrogen build up - 77M033. Rate of super on old land lupins - 77A18 & 19, 77BA13 & 14, 77E20. Pasture Trials. Phosphorus and Sulphur on old land pasture - 77BA 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 22, 23 and 24. High Rainfall Pasture Trials. Current and residual phosphorus - 75AL5, 75DE5, 75DE7, 75BR13, 76BU13(a), 76KE10 and 76MA2. Phosphorus and Sulphur 1977 Phosphorus Soil Test Series - 77AL5, 77AL6, 77HA10, 77DE6 & 7, 77BR14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 19, 77BU6 & 7, 77BY3.

Number of Pages



Western Australia, Rainfall


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
