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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Factors influencing the effectiveness of mixed copper-superphosphate fertilizers. 1. 77LG30 TABLE 1. Variable treatments and treatment numbers. TABLE 2 - Gamenya wheat grain yields from experiment 77LG30 (1977) in which the influence of several variables on the effectiveness of copper fertilisers were tested. TABLE 3 - Cu concentration in youngest-fully emerged leaf (7th-leaf) sampled 31.8.77 from experiment 77LG30 and index of Cu uptake (Cu in YFEL x actual grain yield). TABLE 4: Wheat grain yields and copper content in youngest fully emerged flag leaf sampled 5.10.77. 2. Copper x Nitrogen, Zn and Mo on wheat. 3. Wheat Grain Copper Analysis. Assessment of Cu status of field samples of wheat. collected by J. Gartrell in November 1977. 4. Copper residual on pastures. 4.1 75AL24. 4.2 67B2,3/1100 Bramley Research Station. 5. Trace elements in relation to nutrition and rootrot on Dongara. calcareous sand. 5.1. 77GE43. 6. Lime, Magnesite and Mo on pasture. 6.1. 77BY2.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science
