
R. J. Jarvis

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Minimum Tillage Investigations - 77A16. Rotational site - 77A43, 77E52, 77MT51, 77WH88. Continuous Cropping Site - 78BA42, 77E18, 77MT15, 77WH17. Heavy land continuous cropping site - 77Ml3. Light land continuous cropping site - 78M25. Direct Drilling Trials - Moora Office. Round Hill, Miling, Dalwallinu, East Wubin. Evaluation of Stubble Management Techniques. Stubble management – WHRS light land - 79M7, 79WH6. Rye grass Control Under Direct Drilling. Ryegrass herbicides - dd/conventional - 80N22. Tillage systems x ryegrass control - 80LG23. Trifluralln/direct drilling - 80LG24. Trifluralin/direct drilling - 80LG25. Miscellaneous Chemical Trials. Hoegrass compatibility trial 80LG31. Early broadleaf weed control in wheat 80LG33. Late broadleaf weed control in wheat 80LG34. Pre-seeding chemical control of large capeweed 80LG35. Ryegrass chemicals residual 80LG36. Deep Ripping. Work commenced in 1980 to evaluate deep ripping. Results are presented in M. Poole's report. There was no response to deep ripping immediately prior to seeding in these two trials (Avondale and Wongan Hills) nor in a trial by T. Sweeney at Yorkrakine. I will be researching into times, depths and methods of deep ripping in 1981 also into newland clearing comparing conventional ploughing with rippers and blade ploughs.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science

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