
G. A. Pearce

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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


DPX 4189 and other herbicides for weed control in wheat: Object: To compare DPX 4189 with other herbicide treatments for the control of Broadleaved weeds and ryegrass in a wheat crop. Location Toodyay. Location: Moora District office trial . T Reynolds, Miling – 80MO43 – Gamenya wheat sown 29/5/80. Hoegrass plus Brominil trials 1980. To test the efficiency of Brominil M mixed with Hoegrass for weed. Sites: Toodyay and Dowerin.E. & M. Browne and Sons, East Wannamal – 80MO47B - Darkan wheat sown 16/6/80. O. & E. Coyle, Pithara - 80MO50 – Gamenya Wheat sown 29/5/80. Tank mixes with hoegrass. Site Miling (Moora District Office trial). 80M049 - T. Reynolds, Miling Gamenya wheat sown 29/5/80. Compatibility of manganese, sulphate and herbicide trial Site (Moora District Office trial). J.J. & D. Case, Damboring - 80M037 Gamenya wheat sown 3/6/80. Herbicides on wheat with and without undersowing. Site Moora District Office Trial 80M031 - G.D. & M.E. McKay, Damboring - Seeded 20/5/80. Dicamba residual trials 1980. Mt. Barker, June 6, 1980. West Bell Rape Yandee Lupins Peas. Sprayseed and roundup for direct drilling. 1. Location: Wongan Hills Research Station. Aerial spraying trial 1980 - sprayseed. To test the effectiveness of aerial application of Sprayseed direct drilling. Wongan Hills and Newdegate Research Stations. Aerial spraying trial 1980 - roundup. Object: To test the effectiveness of aerial application of Roundup for direct drilling. Sites: Wongan Hills and Newdegate Research Stations. DPX4189 - Several trials were undertaken in conjunction with District Office. Unfortunately the drought has taken its toll on most of these. Flowable Afalon (linuron) - This chemical was not received till late in the season. Several trials were sprayed (all late) but were abandoned because of the drought. The initial assessments showed that the flowable Afalon was comparable to the wettable powder linuron in terms of weed kill at all site. Diuron/MCPA Aerial Formulation. A broadacre aerial trial was applied at Dowerin, using a special SULV fomulation at various rates and compared wih a standard mixture of diuron plus MCPA. Wheat Tolerance to Herbicides.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science

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