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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Doublegee seed longevity x depth - 75WH66, 76C9, 76KA8. Grass control in dry sown lupins – 81A46, 81GE21, 81TS33. Broadleaf weed control in dry sown lupins – 81TS34, 81A47. Early post-emergence weed control – 81GE20. Early post-emergence weed control - lupins - 81TS32, 81A45. Post-emergence grass control in lupins. Post-emergence grass control in lupins None of the mixtures of Barban with Hoegrass and Matavin controlled the main target, Bromegrass. No significant differences due to treatments were detected in grain yields except at Avondale where annual ryegrass was the main grass weed which was controlled readily by the Hoegrass treatments as expected. No phytotoxic effects of the herbicides were detected on the lupins.

Post emergence grass control - 81A44, 81GE19, 81TS31.

Herbicides on kiev mutant lupins – 81A43,

Herbicide x tillage lupins - 81ME36

Effect of stubble and simazine on lupins Grain yield did not increase when simazine was applied above 1 L/ha, even though better weed control was achieved with increasing rates of simazine. The amount of stubble had no effect on the grain yield or weed control.

Simazine x stubble - 81BA56.

Weed control in lupins x seeding methods No yield response to the simazine occurred, although the herbicides significantly reduced both grass and broadleaf weeds. One L simazine/ha was the best rate for weed control.

Weed control in lupins - 81BA50.

Grass control in lupins with PP009 and RM217. Best yield was obtained with 125 g ai/ha. Best weed control at 500 g ai/ha and good crop tolerance to 1 kg ai/ha with both products, which show a good potential as selective post-emergence herbicides for bromegrass control.

Lupins - PP009 and RM217 - post-emergence grass control - 80GE27

Effect of SSH 0860 on lupins and weeds. SSH did not increase grain yield at Badgingarra and significantly increased grain yield at Avondale where 1 kg was the best rate applied immediately before seeding.

SSH 0860 - lupins - 81BA55, 81A51.

Sencor on lupin and weeds. Sencor performed differently on the medium soil at Avondale from the lighter soil at Badgingarra. Sencor lupins - 81A50, 81BA54.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
