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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trials (21) 71NO30 ; 71NO31; 71BA16; 71BA17; 71BA22; 71BR19; 71BR20; 71BR21; 71MN6; 71MN5; 71BA25; 7lBA24a; 71BA24b; 71BA24c; 71NO29; 71LG20; 7lLG2l; 71MO24; 71BA23; 71M022; 71TS28 INOCULATION METHODS USED Seed pelleting and inoculation methods used in these trials departed from standard Department Recommendations (Goss and Shipton, 1965) as follows :- 1. No milk was used. 2. Less gum (usually half) 3. Lesslime(" "). The gum slurry technique for lupin inoculation consisted of using half the gum concentration and half the recommended volume (i.e. 1/4 usual amount of gum). The peat inoculant was mixed with the gum immediately before inoculation. Seed was dried on shed floor before bagging. The use of less lime with lupins was quite successful as a means of avoiding the accumulation of large amounts of free lime in the grain box. There is no evidence that the use of smaller quantities of either lime or gum interferes with responses to inoculation. Substantial savings can be made by cutting down on the materials used for pelleting.

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