Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


1. Emergence of weed seedlings from different soil depths. 82MT49 Mt Barker Research Station. 83MT4 Mt Barker Research Station. 82NR12 Northam Research Station. 83NR2 Northam Research Station. 82C37 Chapman Research Station. 83C3 Chapman Research Station. 2. Longevity of buried weed seeds. 82MT50 Mt Barker Research Station. 83MT5 Mt Barker Research Station. 82NR13 Northam Research Station. 83NR3 Northam Research Station. 82C38 Chapman Research Station. 83C4 Chapman Research Station. 3. Emergence of weed seedlings in relation to soil type and cultivation 82PE32 South Perth. 4. Changes in the number of viable dock seeds in soil under different soil surface treatments 83V2 Vasse Research Station and Albany Private Farm. 5. The effect of seed pod on the germination/emergence of wild radish 83PE43 South Perth. 6. Germination behaviour and seedling survival in the different forms of wild radish 83PE44 South Perth. 7. Germination responses to temperature and light 83PE74 South Perth. 8. Interactions between buffel grass and calotrope 83PE75 South Perth.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
