
N. R. McKeown

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


The small plot legume species trials were reduced by seven this year because it was considered that no further useful information could be derived from them. The remaining trials are located on problem soils, principally deep sands, in the Merredin, Three Springs, Geraldton and Lake Grace districts. The trials at Pindar and Merredin were designed for more effective grazing control, but the dry season restricted grazing and they have made little progress. Apart from seasonal difficulties the species showed established preferences for soil types. The subterranean clovers performed satisfactorily on the better sands and gravels, and barrel medic on the heavier soils. Tornafield medic has grown well on deep sand at Three Springs and on a sandy gravel complex at Eneabba. On most sites where yellow serradella and Uniserra were compared, the former was most productive. Detailed results from the small-plot trials will be presented in a separate report when the 1971 seed yields are known. This report deals briefly with the 1971 results from the following pasture species grazing trials : 68GE9, 68LG17, 68MO17, 68MO23, 68MO24, 68NA15, 68TS12, 69LG24, 69MO17, 70ME2, 71LG17, 71WH13,

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