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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


The main emphasis for rhizobial work in 1984 was on the acid tolerance of medic Rhizobium. The experimental programme in the field was greatly expanded to include testing of some 160 isolates collected from Sardinia in May 1984. Broadacre sowings of acid tolerant strain WSM 419 were undertaken as a preliminary step to its commercial release in 1985. Glasshouse work in 1984 was dedicated to a more intensive investigation of the factors contributing to the enhanced nodulating ability of M. polymorpha and M. murex on acid soils. As well, a simple technique for identifying acid tolerant strains of rhizobia in soil in the glasshouse was developed in a joint project with UWA . Field Trials. Field trials discussed in this summary: 83ME9 Nutrition of R. meliloti in acid soil. 84ME33 Isolation of R. meliloti from acid soils onto low pH media. 84ME34 Colonisation of acid soil by R. meliloti. 84ME35 Effectiveness of CC 169, WSM 419 and WSM 244 on Medicago sp.. 84ME32, 84WH24, 84N18. Persistence in acid soils of four acid tolerant strains of R. meliloti. 84AL42 Delayed nodulation of south coast lupins.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science
