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Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases


Capeweed control in cereals pre-sowing control, 86WH58. Capeweed control in cereals post-emergence control, 86WH59. Capeweed control in cereals post-emergence control with Reglone®, 86WH69. Capeweed control in cereals post-emergence control with various products, 86WH70. Capeweed control in cereals post-emergence control with mixtures, 86WH74. Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) control along roadsides, 86WH75. Chemical control of Four o'Clock (Oxalis purpurea) in cereals, 86N0110. Hoegrass, different rates with oils or wetting agent for wild oat control in cereals, 86N0118. Chemicals x depth of blade plowing to control couch, 86N010. Chemical x cultural control of couch (long-term), 85N092. Chemical control of couch prior to cereal establishment, 86N0117. Brome Grass control in lupins {Spray trajectory x pressure x droplet size), 86C93. Brome Grass control in lupins (Spray trajectory x pressure x volume of spraying x droplet size), 86C94. Brome Grass control in lupins (Spray trajectory x pressure x droplet size x wetting agent or oils), 86C95. Control of Onion weed (Asphodelus fistulosa) in pasture, 86GE54. Control of Saffron Thistle (Carthamus lanatus) in lupins, 86GE58. Saffron Thistle control seed set applications, 86JE80. Saffron Thistle control grazing experiments comparing sheep and goats, 85TS27. Vegetation management along the vermin fence in the Yilgarn, see 15 page report to Agriculture Protection Board (Nov. 1986), 85ME63-72, 91.

Number of Pages



Western Australia.


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science | Weed Science
