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Grains and field crops


77A16, red/brown sandy loam - York gum. 77WH17, yellow clayey-sand (Wongan loamy sand). 77M13, red sandy clay loam (Salmon Gum, Gimlet). 77Mt15, gravelly loamy sand/sandy loam - forest soil. 77A43 brown loamy sand/sandy loam - jam country. 77WH88, grey loamy sand over gravel at 50 cm - Elphin soil series – Mallee. 77M56, red sandy clay loam - salmon gum, Gimlet. 82M35, Loamy sand/sandy loam – Mallee. 77E52, fine white sand over gravel at 40 cm. 85SG28, grey-brown calcareous Earth - Kumarl – SGRS. 84M064, heavy land management systems - medium rainfall area. 84M063, heavy land management systems - ne wheat belt - continuous wheat additional heavy land long term direct drill trials, 84KA28. Minimum tillage, direct drilling, modified combine investigations. 87E35, White Grey Fleming Sandplain over gravel varying from 20 40 cm. 87E36, Fleming Sandplain Alongside 87E35. 87E37, Fleming Sandplain near E35, 36. 87M76, 87M77 Depth of cultivation with modified combine, and deep ripping. 87WH52 Wongan Loamy Sand - Depth of cultivation during Seeding, and Deep Ripping. 87Na81, 87Na 84 cultivate, direct drill, and speed of seeding. 86SG27, direct drilling, reduced tillage and conventional at two times of seeding with and without flexi coil. 87WH45, direct drill, scarifying, disc ploughing, chisel ploughing at two depths and deep ripping. 79WH6, grey and yellow loamy sand with gravel. 79M7, yellow loamy sand - Mallee scrub 82M34, salmon gum/gimlet clay loam. 84M1, stubble effect on heavy land - salmon gum soil – MRS. 85Ba32, deep ripping yellow sand/yellow loamy sand – BARS. 886LG67, 886LG68, DD scarifying and depth of ripping 2GE37, 82GE38, yellow sandplain - Naraling lupin/wheat rotation (2 blocks). 82M60, Semi Wodgil - MRS old lease block. 87M5, species and cultivar response to deep ripping on acidic yellow sandplain. 87M78, ripping, two times of seeding, three wheat varieties - Mallee soil, MRS. 86Mo28 Cultivation and Gypsum on Hard Setting Clay Loam - A. Tonkin, Coomberdale. 87Mo1, 87Mo2, 87Mo3, deep ripping on sands in the Minyulo Brook catchment west of Moora - Farmers Brennan and Edgar. 87SG31, Circle Valley and over clay. Pasture. 77WH17, yellow clayey sand (Wongan loamy sand). 82WH49, times of ripping in a 2 pasture: 2 wheat rotation - Wongan loamy sand. 84WH39, two machines at two speeds of ripping - Wongan loamy sand. 85WH41, depth of ripping by shank spacing. 85WH62, depth of ripping by shank spacing - Wongan loamy sand. 86WH4, two times of seeding, with and without ripping, 7 rates of nitrogen, one rate N applied late. 86WH43, deep ripping response by wheat and barley varieties - Wongan loamy sand. 86WH66, time of ripping, pre and post seeding - Wongan loamy sand. 87WH55, ripping times pre and post seeding with two seeding rates. MISCELLANEOUS TRIALS. 86M79, fallowing and deep ripping with two times of seeding on sandy clay loam. 87M2, banding superphosphate at depths below the seed - Newland, yellow sandplain, Carrabin - Jarvis and Bolland. 81SG1, Kumarl soil - SGRS - crop/fallow rotation. 87SG32 and 87SG33, rate of seeding-wheat on Kumarl soil.

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Western Australia.


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