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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Location: South Carrabin lease block

Harvested and grazed lupin stubbles on following wheat. Trial 86M8

This trial is difficult to analyze statistically because of the treatment changes induced by sheep breaking in to some of the plots. Further, lupin grain yields were not very high and so differences between harvested and unharvested treatments are not large. Also the grazing intensity was not very severe (except on the unintentionally grazed plots) and so the effect of grazing is also relatively small.

Trial 87M7

Nitrogen phosphorus and irrigation of wheat.

Location: South Carrabin.

This trial was designed to give a nitrogen/phosphorus response surface on wheat under a couple of seasonal conditions. The information can be used directly to test some of the functions used in NPDECIDE. Because we also measured N and P concentrations in the tops, critical levels for these nutrients can also be determined as a function of time and demand.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Soil Science
