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Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Biosecurity, pests, weeds and diseases


Trial 87ME61, 87ME68, 87WH49, 87ES39, 87NO80(B), 87NO80, 87WH67.

Doublegees in pasture are a major concern of many farmers in most of the agricultural areas in Western Australia. In pasture, doublegees tend to compete strongly the first year after crop and then decline in subsequent years. When cropped, doublegees again appear in large numbers. Unfortunately, the WADA recommendation for doublegee control in pasture of Tribunil at 850 g/ha is now very expensive at $17/ha. A possible alternative is 2,4-D amine, but medics are very sensitive to this. 2,4-DB is another recommendation, but this tends to have low efficacy against doublegees and can reduce medic seed set by up to 50%. The following series of experiments were designed to investigate:

1. The effect a range of different herbicides sprayed at different rates and times have on doublegee.
2. The effects the herbicides have on sub.clover and medic growth.
3. Ways of reducing the large inherent variation which is associated with pasture trials.

Number of Pages



Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Soil Science | Weed Science
