
M L. Poole

Publication Date


Document Type


DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


SECTION I: Effect of times of planting x Benlate seed treatment on incidence of blackleg in Span and Zephyr rapeseed. SECTION II: Rapeseed Variety Trials 1973 including times of planting. This report provides a record of two series of trials carried out in 1973. Trials - 73A4, 73AL10, 73AL11, 73AL12, 73BR9, 73BR12, 73BR13, 73ES7, 73ES8, 73GE3, 73JE4, 73JE5, 73KA3, 73KA7, 73M2, 73MO11, 73MO13, 73MT5, 73MT6, 73NA6, 73NA7. Effect of times of planting x Benlate seed treatment on incidence of blackleg in Span and Zephyr rapeseed, series of 12 trials were set up, mainly in the southern agricultural areas, near previous years rape stubble to give a high disease pressure. Disease pressure was so high in two of the Esperance trials that all treatments were lost soon after planting. Sandblast, weeds and vermin claimed several more trials. Four trials gave meaningful results with respect to the aims of the programme. These were at Duranillin, Mt, Barker, Green Range and Jerdacuttup. Treatments were Span (B, campestris) and Zephyr (B, napus) rapeseed sown with and without a 1% Denlate seed pellet at three times of planting, June, July and August. The trials were sampled at peak flowering for blackleg stem cankers, the sample being divided into, (i) healthy stems, (ii) slightly cankered, and (iii) rotten all the way through. Yields were taken at maturity. Main results were: (1) The benlate seed pellet at 1% had almost no effect on either amount or severity of cankering, or yield. (See summary table 1) (2) Time of planting had little effect on the amount or severity of cankering in most trials. The Mt. Barker trial did however show less severe cankering at later planting times. Observations showed less lodging at later planting times. (3) No particular time of planting was consistently better than any other with respect to yield from these trials.(Summary Table II)

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Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
