Wheat agronomy and quality. Flowering windows for crops

W. K. Anderson, Department of Agriculture



Australian Hard Set - 90M51&52, 90ME60&61, 90TS16&17, 90M043&44, 90M045&46

Noodle Set - 90M53&54, 90N60&61, 90EB32&33, 90WH65&66, 90N095&96, 90N097&98, 90ME62&63

Australian Soft Set - 90KA75&76, 90AL28&29, 90NA62&63, 90NK64&65, 90NA66&67

Noodle Cultivars - 90M28, 90WH44,90N32

NPKS - 90KA6, 90EB7

Wheat agronomy and quality.

Location: Merredin Research Station, Corrigin, Dudawa, Dalwallinu-West, Miling, Newdegate Research Station, East Beverley Research Station, Wongan Hills Research Station, Cunderdin, Ag. High School, Muresk, Nyabing, Woogenellup, Brookton, Jubuk, Bullaring, Katanning.


Wheat: 90BA 38-42, 90N 37-41, 90C 19-23, 90WH 46-49, 90M 31-35.

Barley: 90BA 48-52, 90N 50-54, 90C 29-33, 90EB 22-26, 90WH 56-59, 90E 41-45, 90MT 50-54, 90M 41-45, 90SG 49-53.

Oats: 90BA 43-47, 90N 45-49, 90C 24-28, 90EB 17-21, 90WH 51-54, 90E 36-40, 90MT 45-49, 90M 36-40, 90SG 44-48.

Lupins 90BA 53-57, 90N 55-59, 90EB 8-12, 90WH 61-64, 90MT 55-59, 90M 46-50.

"Flowering windows" for crops. (Lupins not sown at Chapman)

Location: Salmon Gums, Esperance, Mount Barker, Chapman, Badgingarra, Wongan Hills, Merredin, Newdegate, East Beverley.

To determine the optimum flowering dates for wheat, barley, oats and lupins at a range of sites in the wheatbelt.