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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


Trial 90M9

Trial summary.

Location: Merredin Research Station.

90M9 was established as part of the long term monitoring system to obtain base information on water use from several different soils. A simple rotation experiment was established in T3 on the Merredin Research Station.

Trial 89ME32

Rowspacing summary.

Location: Merredin Research Station.

89ME32 was monitored as part of the long term monitoring system. Previous to 1990 two years of continued measurements had been done on the same soil type. Located on the CSIRO lease block above the Merredin Research Station on Crook's property.

Trial 87M71

Heavyload rowspacing summary.

Location: Merredin Research Station.

The changes in the soil moisture down the profile were monitored in 87M71 as part of the long term monitoring network.

Trial 88ME83

Trial summary.

As part of the baseline monitoring system access tubes were inserted in 88ME83 on existing trial on sandy clay loam on Robartson's farm, Merredin.


Trial summary

Location: Merredin Research Station.

Tubes were inserted in 82M47 an existing clover:wheat rotation to monitor the changes in the soil water balance. 82M47 is one of the trials in the long turn monitoring system.

Trial 86M79

Trial summary.

The long term moisture monitoring network was established in 1990. 86M79 was monitored as part of this network.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Fresh Water Studies | Soil Science


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