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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


The response of sweet lupins to inoculation in Western Australia Before proceeding with details of the six lupin inoculation experiments conducted in 1974 the following comments are presented as a brief summary of the work so far done on lupin inoculation. Thirty nine inoculation experiments with sweet lupins (mainly Lupinus angustifolius var. Uniwhite, Uniharvest and Unicrop have been conducted in South-Western Australia since 1970. They have been drill-sown under farmer conditions and they have been aimed at finding where it is necessary to inoculate and the best method of inoculating seed. Of the 39 trials, 36 gave better nodulation following inoculation,, The responsive sites supported few naturally occurring rhizobia rather than high populations of ineffective rhizobia. I don't know of any crop failures attributable to poor competition of inoculant rhizobia with indigenous organisms, Similarly, I don't know of any non-inoculated control sewings that gave both good nodulation and poor growth. List of 1974 experiments - 1. Effect of seed inoculation and method of inoculation on Unicrop lupins sown into newly cleared land - NARROGIN. 2. Effect of seed inoculation and method of inoculation en Unicrop lupins sown into newly cleared land - WAGIN. 3. Effect of seed inoculation and method of inoculation en Unicrop lupins sown into old land - CUNDERDIN. 4. Effect ,of seed inoculation, method of inoculation and manganese sulphate on Unicrop lupins, sown into newly cleared land - WEST DANDARAGAN. 5. Effect of seed inoculation, method of inoculation and manganese sulphate on Unicrop lupins sown onto old clover land that had previously grown sweet lupins - WEST DANDARAGAN. 6. Assessment of the effectiveness of lime pelleting of lupin seed as a means of protecting seed applied rhizobia from trace elements, including manganese, in fertilizer mixes - LANCELIN. 74NA22, 74NA23, 74NO22, 74MO27, 74MO30, 74MO38.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
