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DPIRD Collections

Grains and field crops


a. Pasture deterioration - High rainfall areas - A farm at Karridale (near Augusta) exhibiting "classic" pasture deterioration symptoms was closely monitored throughout 1974. This farm has paddocks ranging from relatively newly sown pastures with a high clover percentage, few weeds and high dry matter production (resown 1973 and 1974), through to extremely poor pastures with as little as 3 % clover and a weed component of over 80% (resown 1970 and 1971)... b. Midland B competition studies (69Mt19) -This grazing trial was sown in 1969 to plots of pure Midland B, pure Woogenellup and to three mixtures of the two cultivars. Part of the area was cropped in 1971 but has been grazed with the rest of the trial since then... c. Midland B/Seaton Park /Yarloop/39313Y grazing trial (72Mt29) - In a non-waterlogged environment at Mt. Barker both Seaton Park and Midland B have successfully competed with Yarloop under grazing. Seaton Park has outperformed Midland B with both dry matter production and plant establishment, while 39313Y (Larissa) has produced far more dry matter than Yarloop late in the season although plant counts are very similar... It is proposed to crop part of each plot during 1975. Regeneration of each variety after cropping will be measured for at least one season.

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Western Australia


Agronomy and Crop Sciences | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology | Soil Science | Weed Science
